
Time zone

Summer GMT+11 (October to March), Winters GMT+10 (March to October)


Australian Dollar  

1 A$ = 100 cents

Other denomination: 50 dollars, 20 dollars, 10 dollars, 5 dollars in notes

Coins: 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c 

Shopping Hours

Monday to Wednesday 900hrs to 1800hrs

Thursday: Late night shopping  0900hrs to 2100hrs

Sunday: 1100hrs to 1700hrs


General Opening Hours 

Monday 930am to 1600hrs

Friday 930am to 1700pm

Saturday: Some banks are open in the morning

Sunday Banks close.

ATMs are available all across major cities and stores. Normally inter-bank ATMs would charge $2.5dollars. Check for your bank for international withdrawal rates if you are using the overseas card. 

Dialling Code

Calling to Sydney 

City Code: 02 + number

Internation : +0061 2 + number

Emergency Contact numbers:

Emergency/Ambulance/Police 000

CityRail Transport Info Line 131 500

Taxis Combined Service 133 300

Useful phone numbers:

Emergency/Ambulance/Police 000

CityRail Transport Info Line 131 500

Taxis Combined Service 133 300


Electrical Supply: 240 volts, 50 Hz

3 pin plugs are used, although an adapter is required

Most hotels provide 110-volt outlets for shavers